Regenerative Medicine & Therapeutic Injections

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What is Regenerative Medicine?

Regenerative medicine seeks to replace tissue or organs that have been damaged by disease, trauma, or congenital issues; this is vastly different from the current clinical strategy that focuses primarily on treating the symptoms. There are three different types of regenerative medicine: they are Molecular. This includes small molecules that are the building blocks of your body, These are things such as DNA, fats, and carbohydrates.

Cellular. This includes cell structures like neurons or axons that are responsible for cell growth and reproduction in your body. And tissues. This would include things such as blood, skin, bone, or muscle.

How Does Regenerative Medicine Help

Regenerative medicine and therapeutic injections may help you but you will need to come in for a consultation so that we can assess your needs.

Does Regenerative Medicine Hurt?

No regenerative medicine and therapeutic injections generally do not hurt. Compared to surgery they are a much better in terms of recovery time

How Long Does Regenerative Medicine Take To Work?

Many patients report feeling positive changes within days however the optimal time is normally 2 to 4 weeks after the procedure is completed. It is important to note that length of time may be different because everyone’s body is different.

What Are The Side Effects / Risk To Therapeutic Injections?

Regenerative medicine side effects have different levels of severity, especially when it comes to stem cell treatment. Most of the procedure’s risks result in the short-term side effects they cause such as infection, bleeding, as well as tissue pain or inflamed nerves.

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With Florida Injury Rehab
If you are wondering if regenerative medicine is right for you our friendly staff at Florida Injury Rehab are here to assist you with all your needs.