About Florida Injury Rehab

Dedicated To Patients Recovery​

Florida Injury Rehab is dedicated to our patient’s recovery. We provide comprehensive medical care with personalized treatments.

At Florida Injury Rehab, we focus in diagnosing, treating, and providing comprehensive medical care for a broad range of conditions relating to auto accident pain. Our experienced staff of distinguished doctors are highly experienced to properly evaluate and manage your injuries, and provide the necessary treatment on the road to recovery. 
Women hands working a person laying down sore muscles

Personalized Chiropractic and Medical Care Treatment

Chiropractic table in a room with the door open

Serving Central Florida with

30 years of experience

Florida Injury Rehab is dedicated to our patient’s recovery. We provide comprehensive medical care with personalized treatments.

We understand that it can be a challenge to find the right care after a car accident occurs due to Florida’s personal injury protection (PIP) insurance. Florida Injury Rehab's team of medical professionals have helped individuals recover from their injuries and navigate their PIP coverage.

At Florida Injury Rehab, we know every patient that walks through our door has different needs that need to be met. Whether it’s auto accident related pain, bad posture, or a sports related injury, our office has the right remedy for you. We know the importance of treating each patient to their specific needs, which ultimately leads to better quality care and faster healing. In addition to auto accident and sport related injury treatment, we provide physical examinations, physical therapy, regenerative medicine, and therapeutic injections. 

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Contact us to set up a free consultation.

Our Team Of Medical Professionals Are Here To Help You!

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We would love to hear how we can help relieve your pain. Contact us to set up a free consultation.

Business Hours

Monday & Wednesday: 9:30 am – 6:30 pm

Tuesday & Thursday: 9:00 am – 6:00 pm

Friday: 8:00 am – 12:00 pm